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Chryso Reign's Why

Chryso Reign is a faith and family-focused network. We understand the importance of reaching souls globally with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Chryso believes the Gospel never sleeps, so we desire to inspire, entertain, teach, preach, and transform lives twenty-four hours a day. CHRYSO is a sizeable Christian television network and soon-to-be-most-watched faith-and-family channel. Terri L. Bea-Sopher launched it in 2020 with faith and a global vision. 
CHRYSO'S innovative programming lineup includes ministry programs featuring Pastors, Bible teachers, and Christian leaders from all over the world. CHRYSO is constantly advancing, with top-rate technology, to reach more viewers worldwide with God's message of hope and grace. These life-impacting programs are available on mobile apps that bring CHRYSO Network accessible on television, smartphones, iPads, and tablets anywhere from its online platform. CHRYSO will soon be the standard-bearer for faith-and-family broadcasting.

We are a donation-supported network and ask ministries that connect with us to support us with any monthly contribution to help with the cost of programming and platform growth. We believe in transparency and proudly share that based on numbers gathered from our PWA ONLY (ChrysoTV app), we have consistently maintained THOUSANDS of viewers worldwide! 

You can see when your favorite ministry will air by checking out our GUIDE on our app, but you can be sure that your ministry is always in constant rotation 24 hours a day! We ask that you LIKE, FOLLOW, SHARE, and ask your members, friends, and family to do the same. We also ask that you tune in and watch our content. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas because we can't do this without God, you, and unity!

Welcome to ChrysoTV and the BGB family.
Chryso Reigning is Kingdom Reigning!
The Gospel Never sleeps!

The Board Members of Chryso


Pastor Terri L. Bea-Sopher


Owner of Chryso Reign, Hear My Heart Women's Ministry, Life Envue, and Victory Envue Magazine. 15 ministry experience and production.

Joseph W. Sopher, Sr.

CFO/Executive Producer

Over 27 years of financial experience as a brokerage, and Investment Advisor.

Dr. Jean McEntire

Chairman of Board

Apostle, Dr. H. Jean McEntire, is an author, Spirit-filled prophetic teacher,  and a Professor at New Life Bible College who has served on both secular and spiritual boards. She is the Pastor of Word Alive Christian Fellowship. Dr. Jean is well-versed in the Word of God and hosts “Alive in the Word” on Chryso Reign Network.

Bishop Obadiah E. Harris, Sr. 

BISHOP/Asst. Overseer IECC Chief Prelate Bishop Thomas L. Johnson

Pastor Lauren Weldon

Asst. Chair

Founder of Divine Connections International.

Pastor Marcus Weldon

IT Manager

Pastor of Divine Connections International.

Bishop Dr. Bernita Wright

Bishop, Ohio Diocesan & Asst. General Bishop. She resides in Columbus, OH

Pastor Ralph Godfrey, Jr.


Director of NLT Bible College, NLTBC Instructor, NLTBC Council, Pastoral Counselor (Apostolic Leader)

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